Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dedicated to Jacqkie baby!

On the 2nd of OCT....

Twas the day of Jacqueline Rowena Jinuin Jimin's BIRTHDAYYYY YOOO!!!


Hehe, i was so excited to go and celebrate her Birthday at Megamall during the night. Well, of course i "started her WONDERRFUL day" by sms-ing her at like 12:01 am. TOo bad she was sleeping.


Wished it woke her UP! But anyways, i felt that i've made her day by up to 70% (ceh wahhh) eventough i wasn't the one who commented on her flawless skin....*grrr* to that gurl. Stole my lime light.

Jacqkie's the SWEETEST GIRL EVERRRRRR!!! She's been helping me out with my problems/dilemma currently (as well as my other mates), and I really appreciate what she's (and they're) doing. She's not the kind who judge's people, and that's really whats so special about her. PLUS, she's really CARING like shyt. Cares for other wayyy more than herself. Oh yes, she's super funny too.

She and her "du du dut, du du dut, du du dut..."

Love HER to bits!

We ate at Picolo Mondo that night and the food was nice, wished it was in bigger portions *dammit*. Stingy people, should've went to Chilli's instead. Worth more than that Picolo LOCO anytime... =P...But still the food was goodlah

Here's some of the pics that I took...

The first candid shot that i took of that night

JAcqkie and sweet sweet CALYN!

Kerry, Audrey, and Behhhhh...!

Jacq with CAROL!

Couple of the month...*drum rolls*...Shaneil and Denise!

Kerry and Shafiq (the guy who doesn't like his picture taken)

Playing this game called Bishi Bashi...OMG, damn fun!

Jacqkie too excited ady...laughing and pointing at the screen

"OUCHHH, my hand hurtttt!"

Bishi Bashi, try it, it's f-u-n

I have no idea what to put as a caption for this pic...*silence*



Jacqkie Rowena said...

no no. you're the sweetest little thing ever.

seriously, no one can-not NOT like you man.



if you ever come down to sabah, as I've said, Imma treat you like a queen. Thanks for a great bday. :P

Love ya!

Swee said...

HAHAHAHA, imma wanna gonna toa sabaha somma timema soonna! Thata woulda bea GREATA! *HUGS*