Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rain - Any Dream

Rain (Bi) has a brand new Samsung Anycall music video, which is about working hard to achieve one's dream -- Any Dream. The MV will be edited into a 15-second commercial clip to be aired in conjunction with the 2008 Beijing Olympics!

This song has 2 versions to it, one in Mandarin and the other in Korean.

I personally like the Korean version better. It just sounds much nicer as compared to Mandarin, though in both language also I can't understand a thing.


You can listen to the song here... (Mandarin)

Currently, there are two versions of the MV at YouTube - the full version (8:26) and short version (4:24). Personally, when I first watched the video, it was definitely cliche for one thing and it was abit similar to the Pantech video. I found the full version too long and so-solah, the song is alright... but somehow it wasn't up to my expectations. Moreover, I couldn't even see the dance moves properly... cam keeps going in all different positions.

Rain - Any Dream (Full version)

Moving on, we have random pictures taken during our 3 hour break!

We're just chilling out in the Auditorium...

Alot of activity going on behind me, but i was too tired to join in... Wasn't sleeping btw, just coicidently turned to the right.

Haha, Daren made me take this shot.

Close-up of sleepy Jacqkie.

*grins* A happy boy


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