Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Hey hey hey,

Today’s work was pretty interesting, mainly because I was pulled in last minute to help facilitate an interview session with a very popular instructor from Fitness First. Whoohooo! Got to miss half of the WIP (work in progress) meeting in the morning just to follow my colleague go to Fitness First, The Curve.

It was fun! Guess doing stuff outside of the office was really a breath of fresh air-lah for me. I found the photography session interesting as I learnt about branding in pics. It’s always best to position the person in an angle where the brand name can be seen. So in this photoshoot, you can see a lot of left-angles from the fitness instructor since the word “Fitness First” is labeled on the left hand side of her sleeve.

Too bad we didn’t get a FF goodie bag, sad, only the journalist and photographer gets it. The media people can be so spoilt man. Lucky ppl. I wanna be a journalist! Hehehehe.

One thing I found out was that Marion Caunter was at our office last Thursday. Hmm, interesting, the 1st thing I asked when Loshini told me was “What was I doing on that day?” coz I don’t remember seeing her at all! LOL Audrey had the same question too. Then I recalled that day, no wonder when the door bell rang, they rushed to greet the ppl in. Couldn’t get to see them since they went straight into the conference room/meeting room.

Oh well, seeing well-known people in the office will certainly clear away the mundane-ness of it all.

Maybe next time Will Quah will come over? Hehehe, who knows, since we’ve got him to be part of the Friends of Fitness First together with radio DJ JJ, Serena C.

I can only dream…

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