Sunday, March 2, 2008

OUCH! Motherrrrr...


Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck...


I'm so friggin pissed and in stinging pain right now. Ish

Chloe scratched me SO HARD on my thighs, I practically screamed in pain. Bloody hell. Sakit gila babi.

The reason why she did that was because the lightning was so bright, so quickly jumped on the chair where I was sitting on (eating dinner thank you very much) and DUG her nails DEEP into my thighs for a good grip (for my good suffering) so she could climb up the chair and lay on my lap.

SHIT shitty shit shit shit...

Now i've got so so so many scratch marks. More than 10 and they're not short ones I tell you, but rather longggggg and painful ones. Now it's all in a bump. Looks like a road bump. *speechless*

I'm not going to be wearing short pants out anymore for now I think. I'm too discouraged to do so.

Hope this won't lead to scarring. If not, then more to add to my collection of scars on me legs. *whoppie...................*

*sakit sakit sakit*

*sigh sigh sigh*

No cheers from me this time...
Go away...


Anonymous said...

dilarang mencarut.....hahahahha

Anonymous said...

Arrrrggghhhhh. My eyes. They are beeding. Pish. Ignore my theatherics.

I got them too. From My Nikki0chan ALL the time. Especially when she's bloody excited. AdeHeng wud smack her soundly on the butt and drop her from her lap. U cud try that nxt time. Remember 2 ut lotion. Nanti scar like mine.

ASk la the felllow who so gila gila GUndam to kiss it ok 4 u. =D