Monday, May 26, 2008

Hello, I'm Stuck... not pleased to meet you

Hello folks...
As you can see, I've decided to change my layout to a more simple and clean look, which i very much adore... I'm so so so lazy to blog about the Sabah trip. Sorry sorry, I said I would but I just couldn't bring myself to deliver my promise due to the lack of inspiration and also the fact of having to summarize a week full of activities into a blog post is pretty time consuming if you know what I mean, with pictures and all. But then again, I have taken the liberty to upload almost all of the Sabah Trip pictures from my camera into FaceBook (time consuming as well, but worth it).

Note: "almost all", some are just not pretty enough to be problems i suppose, i'm a sucky photographer if you haven't noticed.

I am now at home, wasting my life away... Dad wants me to start working without a degree, I want to continue studying in Taylors with mates for my degree but friggin $, don't want to go to other college coz kinda malas to make new friends all over again, wanted to apply for a scholarship, but dad said no need since his pay is higher than average, rather give it to others who needs it more than me... dammit lah, talk so much about giving it to others, what about me? Was so confident that he'll pay for me, now he's talking about scholarships...i'm so pissed...
*sigh* I'm stuck

I don't want to work... not now, not yet. working life is tough, can't stop, you're always on the run, not enough time to sleep, always on overtime, and when the weekend comes, you feel like you want to go out and catch up with mates, but still you're tired from the excessive work time spent that you'd rather stay at home and SLEEP. That was how things were during my 2 month internship. Imagine facing that till you retire. That is like eons!!! I've got a lifetime to start working...why now? I want to hide under a rock in Uni learning subjects which most are practically useless when you're out in the real workforce, but then again it's always good to have at least a Degree in anything. I strive to get a piece of paper..hehe, doesn't everyone...

But then, when I look at it, you don't really need to have a degree in the communication line. I usually see a minimum requirement of a Diploma for a position. Basically, it's not very technical as compared to engineers, accountants and so on. It's more towards the individual's capability to communicate persuasively and fluently. Oh yeah, if you can speak and read Mandarin, you're considered God. lol. Definitely a plus point.

Well, we'll see just how fate takes hold of my life... wish me luck!

Oh, and at least there's one more promise that i can fulfill of my last post...

I'm going to Gold Coast Australia next year in March with my sister for 10 days!



Audrey Juicy Tits said...

Awwww...I want you back here in Taylor's too! It's okay la, whatever decision you make about your future, I'm behind you all the way with a thumbs up *LAME-O*! XD

Anonymous said...

Awww Swee Wei~~ *pats*

I know how you feel bout working. All the corporate ppl with the dog-eat-dog attitude and every thing. Gosh. Studying and all the killer!exams beats em hands down.

I'm sure you will try to spend time with us while climbing your way up dear. Just don't go MIA-ing for mths la. :)

HAHAH. Atleast you are not a graduate in sastera malayu or. *snorts* Imagine what sort of work you can get with that?! And why do our local Unis offer such courses??? I mean the graduates will be jobless when they graduate despite d grades (cause its IRRELEVANT) and the gov will be like "Oh we have 2 many jobless graduates ((whose degrees are REaLLY irrelevant in the practical world)) , lets put in money in helping em when said money shud be used in other areas"

Okeeeyyy. I'm ranting.
anyway. Cheer up and go take up a language course. Heheh. Imagine you speaking chinese. You can speak chinese with Lee winn. Heh. I can imagine his face when u do tht. ROFL. =)

vvens said...

lol i can speak and read Chinese but that doesnt make me feel like a god.

my mum said i should start working without getting a degree too. two reasons, one for the money and two, she said "why study so much" being sociable is more important. hahaha.

well. very true and thats why im not getting a degree in communications. i'm already working now and this job has totally nothing to do with mass comm YET. i'm doing graphic designing. something like that. soon i wanna come out working like what ive done during my internship. hahahaha. when i earn money i wanna buy alot of things ;p

and learn photography. hahahaha.

maybe you should really think about what do you want le. a degree or work. dont work too hard though. hehehehehe.