STOP The Hunt!
I got an email today from someone, well, no idea who, but it's those dog lovers connection sumthing sumthing. Got a really shocking yet DISGUSTING NEWS EVER!
HORRIBLE B*******!!!
Here's the link
And here's what it says in the link:
To: Selayang Council
We, the undersigned, strongly protest the current dog hunting competition instigated by the Selayang Council ( as reported in Sin Chew (4th Sept, 2007). We strongly disagree with such a campaign to catch stray dogs for prize money which can only lead to more animal abuse and animal deaths. Such a barbaric campaign is totally irresponsible and ineffective in curbing and resolving the issue of stray animals in the city. We demand that the campaign be stopped and an alternative campaign be put in place using the so called prize money. We would also like to appeal to the city councils across the country, animal lovers and all compassionate citizens of this good country to support our protest against such a disgusting show of inhumanity.
The Undersigned
CRAZINESS I tell you. *furrows brow* I'm damn frustrated to know that these things are being planned by the freaking government. It's so humiliating !! I just don't understand how they would create such a barbaric solution to the problem.
That sounds so absurd. BLAH, cursed those who created such barbaric nonsense. CURSE U to the PITS OF HELL! *frowns*
I'm sure those of you out there would understand how I'm feeling right now. No words can describe the immense disappointment in the government's level of compassion to these loving, innocent creatures of God.
It's so completely terrifying to imagine what the public might do to these stray dogs as they most probably are blinded by the amount of money at stake. For all i know, they might beat them up, abuse them, make them weak, I DON'T KNOW!!! They said "tangkapan mesti diserahkan hidup-hidup". Could that mean eventhough their lives are hanging by a thread still considered hidup-hidup?
Gosh, I'm really thinking of the worse, and most of all TOO MUCH of it. Well, it could happen seeing as there was a previous case whereby 13 dogs were shot dead by the Seremban Municipal Council (MPS) last June 2006 after their owner refused to comply with the council’s order to relocate the canines.
Very dissappointing, sad, and disgusting isnt it?
Just shootlah! Slumber only shoot. We've got no idea. So let's shootlah! It's the only way to solve things. It's the governments every right to shoot innocent living beings. SHITLAH!
Weirdos. I thought we were supposed to be educated, appreciate all living things and all that good stuff. What happened to that? Only God knows.
" 8. Tangkapan minimum bagi tempoh 6 bulan untuk kelayakan penilaian bagi ketiga-tiga tempat kedudukan hadiah pertandingan ialah sejumlah 150 ekor. "
Now the thought of having these dogs after being caught is in my mind. How will they be put down? Will they be gassed? Will they all be thrown into a huge hole in the ground to be shot dead? I don't know and i do not wish to know.
But what i DO KNOW is that there is a petition to...
IF you feel very much against this campaign, then i hope you will support this petition by signing up at
yer, that's so mean!
yeay, i know!! damn sadlaa if this is carried out *sobz*
WTF....maybe it's a good thing i'm moving to another country.
Fuck these people la. I'm seriously pissed by this. Don't worry Sweei, we won't let them get away with this, I've posted this on my DevArt journal, plus a minor rant, and I've even asked my friends from overseas to sign (and comment, maybe say that they're from overseas and teach this bloody country alesson).
OHHHHH, COOOl!!! Hope, that this campaign won't be carried out. *prays damn hard*
Hmmm (dun mean to pour petrol onto lit fire)
Errr actually i think it is a quite smart move by the government, economically efficient and it is effective to reduce the stray dog population. Yea i know it sounds cruel and heartless of me, but in a way i think it benefits the public more than the negative social impact.
Just a personal opinion
and nice to meet u ^.^
hmm, nice to meet you too revio. Interesting comment. Good to have a different view, but i still stand by my beliefs. Can't help it, i always look at the animal right's side of things. To me animals always win. In a way it does benefit the public in terms of strays not chasing them or anything, but this seems like a wrong approach to do it. But i appreciate your views =)
actually revio's perspective is pretty sociological. instead of looking straight into cruelty, we have to think how the abundance of stray dogs can do to our society. too many of them, instead of being some cutsie creature, they became somewhat like a pest... no offense.
anyhow, giving out reward to capture them is still quite unethical. i think the gov should impose something better like animal control in the states?
yeah, each desision made has its own pros and cons. tis true that strays can be a pest and in a way, i do pity these strays as they are like suffering? No love, have to be on their own to find food and water, some of these strays are even beaten by construction workers! Sad. True that we need to reduce the number of strays, but it seems in a way that selayang has too many strays?? hmmm, must have alot of cases there happening that i don't know. Is selayang big? God knows where that is. i hae no clue whatsoever. Hope they can find another way to deal with this problem in a more ethical way possible like what bena said. OK!
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